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Expert Wine Pairings + Friendsgiving Fare

Expert Wine Pairings + Friendsgiving Fare

Sparkling wine, pumpkin pie, and… fried chicken? Hosts can break from tradition with fun and unexpected Friendsgiving fare with tips from Paul Ahvenainen, Vice President of Winemaking for Korbel California Champagne®. Friendsgiving ≠ Thanksgiving 2.0 – guests...
Explore Crimes + Wines at Jet Wine Bar

Explore Crimes + Wines at Jet Wine Bar

10 August 2018– Who stole the Mona Lisa? What happened on the Orient Express? How did a crystal ball get taken from the Penn Museum? Who is the rightful owner of the One Ring? Philadelphians can explore these crimes and the wines associated with them at Jet Wine...
With Holidays Around the Corner, Don’t SWEAT It

With Holidays Around the Corner, Don’t SWEAT It

27 October 2017- SWEAT Fitness is pleased to announce new Vinyasa & Vino classes, now offered every Friday through the holidays from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The yoga class incorporates sipping wine in different poses throughout the Vinyasa flows. (Consider doing a Tree...