Art in the Age, Old City’s one-of-a-kind tasting room, home bar supply and bottle shop, offers an array of one-of-a-kind spirits and recipes ideal for whipping up a craft cocktail at-home including the Hawty Toddy, featuring a vanilla tea-infused Kinsey American Whiskey from New Liberty Distillery!
Hawty Toddy
Courtesy of Art in the Age Bartender, Jackie Nevin
- 2 oz Pt.1 Vanilla Blend Tea Infused Kinsey American Whiskey
- ½ oz Jack Rudy Sweet Tea Syrup
- 5 Dashes El Guapo Spiced Cocoa Tea Bitters
- 4 oz Hot Water
- Honey, Loose Tea & Candied Ginger Garnish
Glassware: Mug
Garnish: Candied Ginger
Instructions: Combine all ingredients into a mug and stir. Paint a stripe of honey on the outside of the glass & dip in loose tea. Garnish with Candied Ginger.
Bluebird Distilling, Phoenixville’s award-winning grain-to-glass craft distillery, offers a simple-and-easy recipe for a classic winter warmer with their seasonal Mulled Apple Cider. Imbibers can choose to create this warm cocktail with, or without alcohol.
Mulled Apple Cider
- 1.5 oz Bluebird Distilling Dark Rum (or Bluebird Distilling Four Grain Bourbon)
- 4 oz Warm Apple Cider
- Autumnal Mulled Spices
Glassware: Mug
Instructions: Add apple cider and mulled spices into a pot and bring to a simmer. When hot enough, pour into a mug and add a choice of Bluebird Distilling Dark Rum or Bluebird Distilling Four Grain Bourbon. Enjoy!
Coopers’ Craft Bourbon, Brown-Froman’s newest bourbon brand in twenty years, is aged in an American White Oak barrel that allows the whiskey to combine with the wood, creating a complex flavor palate. Hot Chocolate is a perfect way to warm up this winter, but why not spice it up with Coopers’ Craft? All season long, chilly imbibers can warm up with a Coopers’ Craft Black Forest Hot Cocoa, courtesy of Fitz Bailey, Coopers’ Craft Mixologist.
Black Forest Hot Cocoa
- 1.5 oz Coopers’ Craft Bourbon
- .75 oz Cherry Liquor
- 4 oz Hot Chocolate
Glassware: Mug
Garnish: Marshmallow, Whipped Cream, Dusting of Cocoa; optional deep red cherry
Instructions: Combine all ingredients in a mug, stir, top with garnishes
Finlandia Vodka, crafted with nature’s finest ingredients, is perfect for crafting and enjoying toasty tipples during the icy winter months while at home with family and friends—take it from the Finnish experts.
- 1.5 oz Finlandia Classic Vodka
- 4 oz Hot Apple Juice
- 1 tbsp Honey
Glassware: Toddy Glass
Instructions: Bring apple juice to a boil. Pout into a Toddy glass and add Finlandia Classic Vodka and honey. Stir until honey is mixed in. Garnish with a cinnamon stick, ginger, and chili pepper. Enjoy!