June 2, 2021 – The start of Philly Beer Week [the largest celebration of craft beer in America] is just days away, and if you’re looking for unique, fun-filled events – you’ve come to the right place. We’ve rounded-up killer PBW programming from Devil’s Den and My Local Brew Works. Check out it out below, and prepare for a week of Philly’s best in beer.
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Devil’s Den, the popular South Philly gastropub, has one jam-packed list of happenings in store, kicking off with Dog Days of Summer – a bring-your-dog to outdoor brunch event, hosted by Sweetwater Brewing Co. and Left Hand Brewing on Sunday, June 6 from 11am – 2pm. The dog brunch will benefit Morris Animal Refuge, and adorable, adoptable pubs will be on-site in hopes of finding their fur-ever home.
Erin Wallace [owner of Devil’s Den] and accomplished author/journalist Tara Nurin are hosting On Wednesdays We Wear Pink Boots – a virtual Women in Brewing panel in support of Pink Boots Society Philadelphia Chapter on Wednesday, June 9 at 8pm featuring Celeste Beatty, Natalie Cilurzo, and Mariah Calagione.
Last but certainly not least, enjoy two al fresco True Colors Drag Shows with Philadelphia-based Drag Queens and Kings such as Bev, Stefani Steel, and Aloe Vera. The first show is Thursday, June 10 at 8pm, followed by a drag brunch on Sunday, June 13 at 2pm. A portion of proceeds from both shows will benefit True Colors United. Click here to purchase tickets!
1148 South 11th Street | 215.339.0855 | http://www.devilsdenphilly.com
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My Local Brew Works (MLBW), Philadelphia’s soon-to-launch nano-brewery focusing on contract brewing, special events, and direct-to-public brewing, is sliding into Philly Beer Week with this year’s most spirited event — First Look: Tour To Dye For – a brewery tour led by founders of My Local Brew Works, including the Globe Dye Works (an event and work space focusing on makers and the creative community), and wrapping with beer tastings and parting gifts from MLBW. The two scheduled events bookend PBW with tours on Saturday, June 5 and Saturday, June 12 from 1 – 4pm.
Interested participants of legal drinking age should secure their space ASAP [as this is very limited] by registering on the My Local Brew Works website, providing first and last name, email address, phone number, and favorite beer at www.mylocalbrewworks.com.
4500 Worth St. | www.mylocalbrewworks.com
-Nicole Schofield